22 Dec

This post is a part of a challenge in which you get to find out 11 facts about me. It’s a blogging meme and it works like this:

The mission:

1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger(s).
2. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
4. List 11 bloggers.
5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you.

I have been nominated by a dear colleague from Argentina named Fabiana Casella.

First of all, let me share 11 random facts about me.

1. I was 11 years old when I started learning English at school.

2. It was also the time when I decided to study it at University. My mind was firmly set and all the previous wishes of becoming an opera singer or a surgeon vanished.

3. My love for it, however, started even earlier thanks to some songs I liked so much and wished I could sing. One of them was “Money, money, money”. I remember being so devastated because I did not know the lyrics. I was 8 at the time.

4. Music has always played an important role in my life. It lifts my spirits and soothes my soul. I still sing around the house even though it does not sound so beautiful as it used to.

5. The final fact regarding music – my favourite song of all time (ever since I heard it for the first time) is “Bohemian Rhapsody”.

6. Some of the biggest moments in my life did not occur in the usual chronological order. I got married in 1990, got a job in 1991 and graduated from Belgrade University in 1992. 🙂

7. At least my children were born at the right time. 😉 My son is 18 now and my daughter is 13. (Lucky me –  teenagers at home, teenagers at school!)

8. Teaching, however, rather chose me than vice versa. I wanted to be a translator. No regrets, though. I love teaching.

9. My favourite word in English is ‘ocean’. I love the way it sounds when it is pronounced. I also love what it represents.

10. Unlike many women I follow sports, even football. I am a big fan of Novak Djoković and … Liverpool.

11. I shamefully admit I have become a Facebook addict.

And now let me answer Fabiana’s questions

1. What are three adjectives that describe you best?
     Tolerant, open-minded and sensitive.
2. Who is someone you admire the most? Why?
     I generally admire people who are genuine and altruistic, people who stand out  but do not have a single arrogant bone in the body, people with a big heart. One of them was Lady Diana. 
3. What is your favorite color? Why?
     I love red colour. It is the colour of love, passion, rubies… People say I look good when dressed in red. Perhaps the reason for it is that I feel good when I put on something red. 
4. Where would you like to spend your dream vacation?
   Definitely somewhere by the sea. If you want me to choose a particular place, let’s say Santorini, Greece.
5. Are you a good cook? What is your “speciality”?
    Actually I am. Hmm I cannot decide which one to choose. I have just asked my husband and his response: ” Lasagne and various cakes and pastry.”
6. Have you ever met a Hollywood star? Where? How?
   No, I haven’t.
7. The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?
   The Beatles, although I like the Stones, too.
8. Can you Tango? or better said: Can you dance Tango?
    I wish I could, but I can’t.
9. Have you ever eaten some exotic food?
   I like frogs’ legs if they count. 
10.Do you think you are a connected educator?
  I believe I am. What do you think, am I?
11. If you were ever offered to teach in a foreign country, which one would you choose?
   Although I prefer Mediterranean climate, I would choose Norway. I have been there. Schools are well-equipped and teachers are well-paid. 😉
Friends I’m tagging are: Marica Trajković, Ana Živković, Marina Nedeljković-Popović, Ljiljana Havran, Erika Kerekes, Sharon Patricia, Shanthi Cumaraswamy Streat, Halina Ostankowicz, Cristina Faita, Carissa Peck and Elena Manou.
Questions for them:
1. What’s your favourite dessert?
2. Can you share an anecdote from class?
3. Do you take risks in life?
4. If you could be an animal, which one would you choose to be? Why?
5. What drives you crazy?
6. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
7. Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?
8. What’s your life motto? 
9. Do you watch reality shows?
10. Have you ever witnessed a crime or an accident?
11. What are you proud of?
My dear friends, this is not a must. Do it only if you feel like it! 🙂

It’s all about you and number 11… (BTW my lucky number)


Posted by on December 22, 2013 in miscellaneous



2 responses to “It’s all about you and number 11… (BTW my lucky number)

  1. prevodilac

    December 23, 2013 at 12:14 pm

    I’ll just answer these questions:
    1) It’s ice cream of all kinds!
    2) It’s too difficult to choose just one anecdote, I could have written a book on each one of them. 😉
    3) Only when I can judge that the risk won’t cause me much harm even if I failed in it.
    4) I’d choose to be a cat. Although people like to refer to cats as “aloof”, I consider them independent. However, it doesn’t make them less loyal or affectionate.
    5) I’ve always had zero tolerance for rudeness.
    6) A night owl, for sure. I tend to be more efficient in the evening.
    7) No, I don’t.
    8) “Have more than you show, speak less than you know.”
    9) No, I don’t. I strongly believe that such kind of shows are dumbing down their audience.
    10) Fortunately, I haven’t.
    11) I’m proud of being myself in a world that wants to make you someone else.



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